IELTS 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘一清
Some people think that the news media nowadays have influenced people's lives in negative ways. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 你日常所接触到的新闻媒体有哪些形式?
回答: 网络,电视,报纸。微博
2. 这些媒体在生活中占着怎样的地位?有什么作用?
回答: 电视是传播新闻的最权威的同时也是覆盖较广的途径,网络是传播新闻的最方便,最不易控制的途径,报纸也是传播新闻的比较权威的途径,微博则是一个更草根,更能代表大众声音的媒体。
3. 这些媒体对人们生活有什么影响?积极的或是消极的分别表现在哪些方面?
回答: 媒体毫无疑问的会影响人的判断。由于不是所有人都有时间去调查每一条消息的真实性,所以很多时候人们毫无批判的接受媒体上所报道的东西。 媒体对人的行为会有很大的影响,并且其影响可能是好的也可能是坏的。 比如说公益广告可以使人们对社会以及环境问题的注意的提高 同时,媒体上的各种色情或者暴力的镜头会给青少年传达错误的价值观念
4. 如果没有新闻媒体的存在,人们的生活会有什么变化?
回答: 没有新闻媒体的存在,则人们的生活会变得很不方便,并且及其混乱。民众无法得从新闻媒体得到及时的消息,会使整个社会的效率低下。比如当国家颁发一项法令时,如果没有新闻媒体,则人民群众将迟迟不能了解到新法律的出台,以至于新法律难以在全国范围内发挥效力。 同时,如果没有新闻媒体,人们将难以判断消息的真假。虽然新闻媒体做报道的事件不一定是客观真实的,若人们只能以道听途说作为消息来源,那么消息的真实性将更难以保障。

News media has a strong power in today's society. It not only provides people information, but also shapes people's minds. Since it is so influential, some people doubt that impact news media has on people is negative. I do not agree with the idea. Though news media sometimes influence people in some undesirable ways, the merits it brings to us outweigh its demerit.
News does not just convey information, it convey the opinions the media what people to believe. Some times media is used to spread false news, which has significant detrimental effect on people's life. Recent years have witnessed too many false advertisements. What is more, people can not be one hundred-percent objective, so does the news people write. Reporters use news, consciously or unconsciously to influence the public opinions. For example, after the 911, the mass-media succeeded in making many America citizens to believe that Iraq war would protect America from further terrorism attack. However, the fact proves that the Iraq war not only wasted a great sum of money and caused the loss of many lives, but also stimulated even more terrorism activities. If the news media did not report news in the way that aimed at persuading people to agree on the war against Iraq, it is hard to believe that the America people without any sound reason would come to the idea themselves that a war in a foreign country would bring peace in their mother land. News media shapes people's minds, but not always in a good way. 
However, though some news turn out to be false, people should not thusly reject to believe and information from the news media. Though news media is not reliable all the time, it is more reliable than the rumors coming out from nowhere. If there is no news media, the world will be very inefficient. Without the news media, business man would not able to know how the market is changing and will lose many opportunities to expand their career; similarly, without news media, the new issued laws would take a lot of time to reach the public and fail to work efficiently. Additionally, if there is no news media, we would not know which piece of information to believe and we can base the information we have do little.
Though sometimes news media is used in manipulating public opinions, we can not say that news media have more detrimental effect on people than the beneficial ones. News media, which have the ability of changing people's minds can also be used in spread right values and educate people. For example, ads on environment protection call raise people's consciousness about pollutions and force the companies to adopt environmental- friendly ways. Similarly, news praising good behaviors will also encourage people to copy these righteous doings.
To sum, though news media has many defects, it is still indispensable in our life. And if we use news media rightly, it would have positive, rather than negative effect on people's life.
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