GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:大眼睛大叔
[Claim] In any field—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. [Reason] The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点] 在任何领域——商业,政治,教育,政府——那些领导者在五年以后都应该下台。 [理由] 通过新的领导者来引发新的活力是让事业获得成功的最有效的方法。 [说明] 写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE70"In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership"。题目的论述默认了一个前提,即在五年内,领导者会让所在的单位缺乏活力。因此,你以从几个方面来进行思考:一是造成事业缺乏生机和活力的原因有哪些,二是通过更换领导是否一定会给事业注入新的活力,三是有哪些方法会给事业带来新的变革和活力,四是更换领导者在哪些行业会带来新的活力。这个题目重点是论述领导者和一项事业是否具有活力之间的关系,不要纠结于类似“五年”这样的数据中,当然,也可以就“五年”是否会让一个单位失去活力,而更换领导是否可以解决来发表看法。
1. 描述一个曾经很辉煌,而后来失去了活力的机构(企业,政府等),并分析它失去活力的原因。这些原因是否与领导者有关系?
回答: NOKIA&MOTO 几年前是手机界的双子星,但近年来由于Iphone和andriod系统的推出而英雄迟暮,如今MOTO的手机业务被HTC收购,而NOKIA市场份额严重缩水,公司地位岌岌可危。
2. 导致事业失去活力的原因有哪些?哪些原因跟领导者有关系?有什么关系?请举例说明。
回答: 企业发展方向的错误,战略决策上的失误,内部管理不善。以上原因均和领导人有关。领导者的决策直接决定了事业的发展方向或战略方针。如NOKIA高层决策失败,导致NOKIA的帝国的没落。
3. 更换新的领导会给事业发展带来什么好处和什么弊端?在一定时间内更换领导对哪些行业更有好处?请举例说明。
回答: 好处:给事业带来新的思想,可以为事业注入新的活力。 弊端:或改变前人的思想,改革事业,引发震荡。 政府和商业上一定要定期更换领导,为其带来新的思想,改革创新。 当年邓小平取代毛主席领导中国开始改革开放。
4. 对一个领导者的领导水平的评判应该考虑哪些因素?是否能因为企业失去了活力就让他/她下台?请举例说明。
回答: 其对事业大方向的决策能力,事业管理能力等。不能,有时领导人一个人并不能左右事业的发展,还要考虑外部环境。
5. 要让事业充满活力,可以有哪些手段和方法?请举例说明。
回答: 改革创新,引进新的思想,更换领导人。
The speaker asserts that leaders in any field-business, politics, education, government-should step down after five years. Cause the surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership. I fundamentally agree. In my point of view, I hold that one field should change its leaders when they aren't able to ease crisis and lead the field.
Admittedly, under some circumstances, the incompetence of leaders is not reasons of failures. The outside elements will also lead to crisis. For example, there will be a financial crisis every few years. The existence of financial crisis is kind of complex. Actually, to some extent, it is a normal phenomenon in financial world. Any governmental leaders cannot predict its appearance. 
 However, the competence of those in power often decides the future of nations and enterprises. They have the power to make important choices for nations and enterprises.  When an enterprise is facing a failure, those in power should be responsible for it. As we all know, NOKIA was the biggest mobile phone maker all around the world only a few years ago. But now, Apple has replaced it to be the biggest mobile phone manufacturer. The false choices of leaders of NOKIA are the main reasons why NOKIA is facing a big crisis now. When that thing happens, it is necessary to choose new leaders. Cause only through new leadership, can NOKIA bail out of the dilemma.
   Finally, new leadership has the ability to bring new developmental ideas and methods that manage an enterprise. For example, in 1930’s, America saw an extensive financial crisis, significant numbers of citizens were hungry and unemployed. At this time, one great president begins to look for various ways to solve social issues. The great president is Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He used new methods to manage financial system and listened to the voices of citizens. Through those ways, America not only bails out from financial crisis but also won the Second World War. And President Roosevelt was famous for his excellent performances in crisis.
   I concede that leaders' disability is not the total reason of governmental or enterprises’' failure. However, it is also the most primary one. So it is necessary to change leaders in any field -business, politics, education, government-when the leaders are misleading the enterprise.    
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