TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:yhy
【IBT机经-29】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life.
1. 电影的种类丰富,能教会我们生活东西的电影一般指那一类的电影呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 指励志片,文艺片阐述道理之类的片,例如肖申克的救赎;或者一些纪录片
2. 这种电影教会了我们哪些东西呢?请举例说明。
回答: 这种电影教会我们,例如《辛德勒的名单》影片再现了德国企业家奥斯卡·辛德勒与其夫人埃米莉·辛德勒在第二次世界大战期间倾家荡产保护了1200余名犹太人免遭法西斯杀害的真实历史事件,教会人们人性的善良;《肖申克的救赎》影片中涵盖全片的主题是“希望”,全片透过监狱这一强制剥夺自由、高度强调纪律的特殊背景来展现作为个体的人对“时间流逝、环境改造”的恐惧。教会人们对人生要充满希望。
3. 还有哪些其他种类的电影?请举例说明。
回答: 还有喜剧片,卡通片,恐怖片,科幻片,例如《变形金刚》系列,《阿凡达》
4. 人们看电影的目的是什么呢?除了学到东西之外,还有别的目的吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 目的除了学到东西外还有通过看电影放松自己
5. 有的电影讲述的是一小段故事,有的电影是记录一段历史,还有的电影是传播某种知识,不同的电影有不同的主题,你觉得划分电影是否值得看的标准是什么呢?
回答: 划分电影是否值得看的标准是人们对内容是否感兴趣,影片的质量,例如音效、特技等
With the remarkable improvement of people's living standard,more and more people go to cinema to watch films.Some people claim that only the movies that can teach us something about real life are wealthy to be watched,while others have different opinions.For my point of view perspective,I prefer to watch a variety kinds of movies.There are some reasons and examples to illustrate my view.
Different kinds of movies can bring different feeling to people.Sometimes people go to the cinema watching movies for relaxing.Some people love to watch comic (xijupian) because the movies make them laugh so that they feel relax. However, some people like watching horrible (kongbupian)movies.For the reason that it is very insiting(cijide)during the movie time.

Relaxation comes next only to the importance of a sound mentality. That is, some kinds of movies can relax ourselves. We may easily quote a single example to illustrate this. Just imagine that you have a choice between comedy and inspiration movies to watch after a hard days work. Which kind of films would you prefer to have a relax? Examples like this happen everywhere. A survey conducted by a large company in ten cities in China shows that more than eighty percentage of people feels that they would like to have a relax by watching comedies in spare time. So it is high time that we seriously take the relaxation into account the next time we evaluate the value of watching movies.

It is true that watching movies that can tell us something about real life has its own merits. It means that one could accumulate inspirations or pick up great ambitions by watching that kind of movie. What an appealing option, isn't it? But is it a wise one? When taking more factors into consideration, as far as I'm concerned, trying various kinds of movies overweighs this kind of option.
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