GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice_918
Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively.
1. 相对于被动接受,怀疑态度在学生的学习过程中可以起到哪些作用?请举例并简述。(可从正负面两方面考虑)
回答: 怀疑态度帮助学生在学习的过程中深入思考,同时提高学生的学习兴趣。但是如果对什么都是怀疑态度的话,有时候反倒阻碍学习的进展。
2. 对哪些学科和知识,怀疑精神主要具有正面意义?在学习这些知识的过程中,被动接受有哪些不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 理科,和学习中一些分析的过程。被动接受容易制约学生的思想,形成思维定势。更不能深入理解所学习的内容,同时会阻碍对学科的兴趣。
3. 对哪些学科知识,怀疑精神则更多具有的是负面影响,而被动接受反而更合适?请举例并简述。
回答: 语言,这种学科需要更多的是被动的接受,不管是语法,词汇,句式。如果总是质疑的态度那么是无法学习的。
4. 过度的怀疑精神会给学生的学习过程中带来。些直接或间接问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 直接的问题是学生无法静下心来学习,产生叛逆的情绪。间接的问题是不愿意接受其他的观点,和一些事物。
5. 怀疑精神和被动接受之间存在哪些关系?请结合具体事例阐述。
回答: 怀疑精神应当是在被动接受的基础上形成的,在我们有了一定知识基础后,用怀疑的眼光重新审视这些内容才会有新的发现。而什么都不了解的时候就质疑的话,反而阻碍一个人接受知识。
  The speaker asserts students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study and should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively. I fundamentally agree with the speaker, whereas the speaker fail to define the extent of study, simply believes the skepticism can apply to every field-when in fact has its own limitation.
  The notion of the speaker has its own merits in terms of independence thinking which is a crucial skill for a student to obtain. Independence thinking is base on the skepticism, accordingly, a student should learn to use incredulous eyes to see the world including the knowledge. In that process, he will query the conclusion and analyze procedure which lead to many related questions and assumptions naturally. In the course of seeking for answer, the student will have a deep understanding of the knowledge. In the meantime, the assumption and question will incite him to change a angle to reexamine the knowledge which may lead a new discovery. Two apt illustration of this point involve in the story of Newtown who discovered the law of the gravity under the edification of an dropped apple, and Darwin who published his great work-the origin of the species-which cause a sensation in the whole world. The key for such two people success is that they treat everything with skepticism no matter it's a common sense or a axiom, this altitude liberate their mind and climb the summit of their work.
  The skepticism unable applies to everywhere. Besides, Over-credulous to the knowledge will cause an adverse effect. People with such extreme altitude is hard to identify anything, in which they unable to accept the contention from others and sink into the swap which could not move ahead. Under such situation, one can hardly learn anything, let alone the new discovery. The skepticism at that time becomes a resistance in accepting the knowledge. Unlike the independence thinking in science learning, language study is the subject which needs to accept the knowledge passively in order to mastery this language. Regardless of the words, grammar and sentences, the stable rules need every leaner to learn them by heart. Skepticism here fails to work at all, if a leaner incredulous about every meaning of a word, every structure of a sentence and every rule of a grammar, then this learner should assign to study linguistics but not learn to grasp a language.
  The skepticism and passive accepting is not the two sides of a coin. The speaker fails to take a note of the relationship between the two object. The premise of the skepticism is actually accepting the knowledge passively. Without the basis of knowledge, where is the skepticism stem from. The groundwork of skepticism is the deep learning, otherwise the skepticism is just confined in a self-recognition level unable to reach a higher degree. Passive accepting has its own merit in leaning the knowledge, although it's fail to create a platform for student’s free thinking, it is the original procedure of the learning.
  In the final analyze, the speaker fail to see the connection between the skepticism and the passive accepting which lead his unilateral conclusion. We should take all elements into consideration when we judge one thing, not only amplify the flaw of it. In sum, the student should learn to cultivate the ability of skepticism, at the same time, leaning to accept the truth that accepting the knowledge passively is the first step.
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