GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:alex_338
A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE5"A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer"。题目主要讨论的问题是“课程多样化”和“中小学生”之间的关系,其重点是分析在基础教育中,课程多样化的好处和弊端。这是一个本来就有争议的话题,所 以你只需要阐述清楚自己的观点并进行论证就可以。需要注意的是,题目论述的要点不能是“高等教育”,也就是说,不能写成课程多样化与大学生的关系。
1. 你在进入大学之前学习的课程是全国统一的么?你是否喜欢这种方式?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 是的,部分喜欢。比如语文数学英语,这些是作为中国人必须掌握的基本技能,在培养方式没有问题的前提下,这是应被所有学生所广泛接受的。而历史地理政治或者物理化学生物这类课程,属于社会科学和自然科学的基础课,虽然可能相关知识在以后的生活中难以用到,但是这是作为一个人的基本素质来体现的,所以,这类课程应该增加课内了解和课外活动,旨在培养学生兴趣,而不是以考试形式作为学生负担
2. 描述一个基础教育中课程在全国不统一的事例,这样做有什么好处?有什么问题?
回答: 有一些乡土性课程,旨在让同学们了解当地的文化背景,历史渊源,地理环境,政治氛围,经济趋势,帮助同学们更深入的了解自己的家乡,培养自豪感及爱国情怀
3. 基础教育阶段学生最应该学习和掌握的东西是什么?如果国家统一课程,对于掌握这些东西有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 基础教育阶段学生最应该学习和掌握的是如何高效的有针对性的学习。国家统一课程的好处:在学习一些必备知识的过程中,通过老师的引导加上自己的体验,形成一套适合自己的学习方法,为将来接收高等教育做准备。弊端:(个人不写弊端)
4. 在基础教育阶段统一课程对于国家统治和管理有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 对国家进一步培养人才打下了坚实的基础,但如果存在教育方式上的认识不足可能扼杀了学生们的创造性
5. 如果各地自己决定基础教育阶段的课程内容,对于学生的培养有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 自行决定课程内容虽然可以因材施教,自由性强,但是必将导致耗费大量的财力人力去形成新的教学体系。
6. 如果各地自己决定基础教育阶段的课程内容,对于国家统治和管理有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 对于国家统治和管理没什么好处,感觉国家还不得不调配大量能力到各地监管其教育的实施,兴师动众,劳民伤财
Should a nation offer same curriculum to all students until they enter college? I concede that national currirulum undoubtedly provide students with professional education, however, it fails to consider the individual characteristics of different students in some fields, whereas provincial curriculum allow students to choose their favorite courses.
I admit to the extent that unifying the courses is reasonable. Given to the situation that there is some basic and common knowledge that teenager should be required to obtain, national courses like mathematics should be available in every schools. Because the competing is everywhere in our daily life, the same curriculum of math provided to students can lead them into the fantastic world of mathmetics and help them acquire some fundamental competing skills needed in their whole life. Without the same syllubus, teachers have to follow their own consideration to teach students, which may cause problems that students can not obtain the best education and even lost in the mystery mathematical kindom. Thus, national curriculum is required in this situation.
However, I fail to convince myself that some courses for students interests should be defined as national curriculum. Considering that different people has their own unique interests, study the same courses in some fields that some students may have no interest would lead to a horrible waste of not only school's financial expending but also the time of students.For example, it is apparently not advisable to force a student who excel in programing to draw a picture with others majored in art everyday. So, if we give freedom to teenagers to allow them choose the thing they have a crush on, our society will come to a more active situation other than ruled by robuts producted by itself.
Moreove, national curriculum may lose its ability when it comes to some identified place. Due to the massive information of history, geogrophary, economic, policy and culture of a country, Students cannot pack all of it into their minds. But provincial curriculum can salve students out from this delimma. In China, every different cities have their own curriculum to guide students to approach the detail information of the city they lived in. Because of this oringinal approaches, the pride to their homeland will augment unconciously through the relieved courses.
In conclusion, althouth nationwide curriculum has its advantage in some fields, without provincial curriculum a nation will inevitably forfeit its individuality and originality. Thus, nation should not offer national curriculum only.
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