GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
Educators should take students' interests into account when planning the content of the courses they teach. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
题目讨论授课内容与学生兴趣的关系。本题是很常见的话题,但分析时要注意以下三点: 1、分析可以面向各个教学阶段以及不同学科; 2、从教师和学生“互动”的角度考虑问题; 3、分析的时候要避免偏激思路,虽然大家都是从应试教育阶段走过来的,但是要注意:可以排斥但是言语不要过激。
1. 结合你的经验,请分析并列举,教育家或者教师的职责包括哪些?
回答: 教育家的职责一方面在传授知识,另一方面是帮助学生塑造人格,引导学生向善
2. 结合你的经验,请分析并列举,学生的兴趣可能有哪些?
回答: 要因学生而异,有的学生喜欢数字,可能对科学比较感兴趣,有的同学喜欢文字,就对文学感兴趣,或者有些学生天生活泼,可能更感兴趣户外活动
3. 如果在授课的过程中,教育家严格并且完全地满足学生的兴趣,这会对教学以及其效果有哪些影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 学生缺乏能力去判断兴趣的好坏,如果完全有兴趣,可能知识讲授的不完整。比如一个同学喜欢研究爆炸现象,那么随他兴趣的话,是有危险的。
4. 如果在授课的过程中,教育家完全忽视学生的兴趣,这会对教学以及其效果有哪些影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 忽视学生的兴趣,效果不会好,因为学生根本不认真听,比如讲授马哲
5. 你认为的,在授课过程中,应该怎样参考学生的兴趣比较合适?请简述。
回答: 我认为授课过程中可以适当减少lecture的时间,相应的用实践环节代替,active Learning
It is time for the lecture of Chinese Communist Party's history, but three my roommates are just still sit there, staring at the somputer screen, with no intention to go to the classroom. It is a common experience in Chinese college that  students show their disatisfication about the curriculum by just not going to the class. That reminds me something worthy to be discussed: does the teacher consider students' interest when arranging his teaching conternt? I agree that teaching content should grasp the students' interest yet some questions are there during the  implemention.

Compared to the western teaching method in elementary education, Chinses version of curriculum seems to  supress kid's curiosty,and thus causing  the flood of critiques. It is true that the elementary education should provide platform to develop kid's enthusiastic attitude to explore the nature. For example, experts sugesst that when being taught basic mathematic techniques, kids learn more quickly when counting the things they like, the rabbits or the the lovely pencils rather than only sitting in the class and surrouded by mere numbers. Interest, indeed, intrigue kids to learn, to feel what is around them, and thus, in elementary education, teaching what they are interested is more effective than merely teaching what is written in  the textbook.

Yet the success in elementary education cannot guarantee the success in higher education. When embracing the students' preference, the teachers should keep in mind that the teaching content should suit the aim of education. For example, in my college, where a large proportion of students learn eginneering, it is unrealistic to open a course about deep research of British Literature in 18th century. In fact, students' interest should give way to their major,namely what theylearn and devote themseleves in searching during the four-year college life. Interest, in my opinion, is not a fact to be accounted for the teaching content. Suppose a professor in electronic field talks about the technique of news review in order to attract his students, that would be an odd scene to imagine for both students and teachers.

I do believe that guinding by interest in education does have some advantages, but nothing is perfect. The attracting method cannot be applicabel in every case. Therefore, before prasing its predominate advantages, its flaws cannnot be neglect.
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