TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:BoringNick
We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.
1. 你有工作经验吗?是什么样的工作?
回答: I have work experience. I work at a IT company "Baidu" as a PM(Product Manager). I take charge in the project to meet the need from User online.
2. 你觉得你和同事相处得愉快吗?你们是怎么相处的?
回答: I find that I take along quite well with my coworkers. Firstly, I usually discuss with my coworker and listen to their ideas about job. secondly, as a leader I must notice the emotion of my coworker. when they feel bad, I have to talk with them and help them to get rid of the situation. thirdly, I think the most important aspect is to make friends in daily life. sometimes, personal relationship plays a very important role in daily work.
3. 你自己或是身边有人跟同事相处不好,一般都是什么原因引起的呢?
回答: There are many reasons for the bad relationship with coworkers. I figure out self-centred people are easy to make this mistake. They always think they are right, and other people should follow with them. This attitude often led to misunderstand between them with other coworkers.
4. 要是工作上遇到困难,而且跟同事有关,你会以什么样的态度和方法去解决呢?
回答: I prefer to choose the way to talk with coworkers. I believe that keep a open mind in work is very important. As a leader, I must to listen to my coworkers. It is not only a politense but also a chance to improve the job.
5. 要想跟同事一起很好的完成某项工作,你觉得自己应该具备哪些重要特质?
回答: keep a open mind listen to coworker find a proper way to convice coworker get to the temple of coworker
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